And I am so happy to say Madelyn knows when its day and night- she eats every 2-3 hours but definitely goes right back to sleep at night. Praise God- ya know!? I mean, she is wonderfully made for sure. She knows what to do already. I am so glad- I mean she could have been an ultra fussy baby with tummy aches or one of those babies who is up all night and sleeps all day. I just praise God and give Him all the glory for giving us just what this family needed!
And I have learned that something as "little" as having all clean laundry and dishes done, kids fed, and napping can make a mom feel like she is on TOP of the world and SO accomplished! Not trying to contradict my previous statement- I GIVE GOD ALL THE GLORY AND HONOR FOR THIS TOO!! I know He alone provides me with strength, energy, patience and time management because when I try to do it without Him, I lose one of those.. usually my patience or my energy wears thin. And God has also allowed me to see that if there are some crumbs on the floor, some dishes in the sink and my armpits are stinky that it is OK and I need to enjoy and treasure moments with my precious gifts from Him. That includes my amazing husband. And even MYSELF.
I try to make moments count with my husband. Tonight, for instance, I really felt like I couldn't get a word in to him today without one interruption or another. So, as soon as he left for work I called him :o). I talked for minute and just let him know I love him. Also, I have decided one night a week him and I have to have a date night.. this doesn't mean we have to get a babysitter and go to a movie and dinner.. but I do mean we need to shut off the TV and talk, play a game together, sit on the front porch and just be with each other- truly treasure the moment and not get lost as a couple under the daily life of parenthood. I am praying through this because it isnt always easy and truthfully, I have been going to bed when Madelyn does around 8:30pm or so.
Then I try to make time for myself. I have decided to put the older girls, Grace and Lauren (who are 4 and almost 3) down for a nap everyday. I used to let Grace stay awake because she DOESN'T sleep and she would just wake Lauren up. But now I put them up in their beds after lunch with a movie. Lauren falls asleep during the movie and Grace has quiet time watching it without me. For my sanity I do this :o). It works wonderfully, I tell Grace she cannot wake up Lauren or get out of bed until the movie is over AND Lauren is asleep. So this being said- I have some ME time when Madelyn finally falls asleep. The other day (during the day) I took a bubble bath to relax. Another day I ate lunch with no one asking for my food. Sometimes I fold clothes or catch up on some house work while chatting on the phone and other times I paint my toe nails while watching my TV show. I have even been day dreaming about my newest hobby- CAKE DECORATING!!! I'll have to get into that later ;o)
Its incredible with three kids how I feel like I am managing better than when I only had two kids but I was pregnant!
Well, I got to cut this shorter than I thought.. Madelyn needs me.
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