Friday, April 8, 2011

Getting Excited, but a Bit Nervous

As you may know, which if you are reading/following my blog I hope you know this about me, I am due with my third daughter Madelyn Claire at the end of this month. Tomorrow I am officially 37 weeks which makes me FULL TERM!! Woo hoo!! I am beyond excited to finally meet this wonderful little girl God has been knitting together in my womb for almost 10 months now. However, I am a bit nervous. After my previous deliveries both being shoulder dystocia cases and very traumatic I am giving birth to Madelyn through caesarean section. I prayed about it since I found out I was pregnant and at my 20 week ultrasound Madelyn was breech. The doctors thought nothing of it because at that point they do cartwheels and summersaults frequently. So I prayed and just asked God to give me a CLEAR BOLD answer to whether or not I should have a C-section. Most people might think, well obviously YES- go with a c-section but my thoughts were also, well I did have shoulder dystocia births but I DID get them out. And with the EASY recovery after Lauren (my second child) I did jump on the idea of a c-section recovery.. but after praying about it I did ask God to keep her breech up until the point of decision making time. I had been having a mid-wife care for me at doctor appointments and she said by 32 weeks I needed to make up my mind either way so that at the next appointment following I could see a physician to schedule the c-section need be. All that being said, you can probably guess- she was breech at my 32 week appointment (and I am pretty sure she still is because her hiccups are in my rib cage)! This c-section stuff is new to me (though my husband being a surg. tech. does them every weekend). So I am really praying everything goes well and I have a speedy recovery with minimal pain. I will have three children to care for postpartum and we have a two story home so I hope I can manage life shortly after Madelyn and I come home from the hospital. I have tried to get everything set up for my convenience. I put shelves with baskets downstairs with all of Madelyn's newborn and 0-3 month clothes in them, along with socks, all baby supplies, newborn diapers and wipes so I won't need to go upstairs to change her. I also brought down all of her blankets, burp clothes, and swaddlers and put them below her bassinet in arms reach of me. I got a boppy to help support me while I breast feed. So hopefully I am prepared enough for this new journey I am going on..

Another thing, I am scheduled to deliver Madelyn on April 26th. I do like the date and if I wasn't so incredibly miserable, I'd love to wait until then. I just don't know that I will. First of all because at my 36 week appointment, my uterus was measuring at 40 weeks- so I am huge. Also I am getting contractions on and off daily. And I am just miserable with her breech position because it is causing my ribs to ACHE with her pressing against them and she has begun to "drop" and my pelvis is so heavy. I also don't want to "progress" with labor and be dilating at all if I am not planning to deliver her vaginally. So all these Braxton Hicks contractions are frustrating. I am not sure when to go in to L&D. I don't want to wait it out and just write it off as nothing and then be 5/6 cm dilated (like I was with Lauren) and have to be RUSHED to the OR for an emergency c-section; especially because I don't want Madelyn's bottom end to be sliding down further.. But I never know when its "the real thing".. I did NOT think I was really in labor with Lauren and I was 5 cm when I got to the hospital and 6 by the time they processed me and brought me back. And they won't "check me" at doctor visits because they don't want to stir anything up. And with Lauren I KNEW I was 3 cm the day before, so when I was getting contractions I just went to the hospital, I probably won't have if I didn't know I was progressing already (if that makes sense) So I am a bit nervous and I just pray God's hand is in this whole situation. I know His plan is already in motion, so I just need to hush and relax and know that God has the whole world in His hands.

So I am very excited to see this darling child who I have prayed for and been waiting for, but I am a bit nervous. My daughters are SO EXCITED and ask me about her constantly, everyday. We are all anxiously awaiting this new member of our family and so thankful to God to creating her. So whether it be April 26 or earlier- WE ARE READY!!!!!

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